Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to the Unauthorized Training with Matt Baker blog. In it I will endeavor to describe not only the excercises in my gym routine but how and why I developed each one. I use the word "unauthorized" not only because I've never been certified as a personal trainer by any in the alphabet soup that trainers decorate themselves with but also because often I use a piece of gym equipment in a manner that is not in keeping with it's design. My credentials, if any, are derived from 17 years of regular gym attendance, and over 25 years professional experience as a ballet dancer, musical theater performer, acrobat/tumbler, bike messenger and circus artist. Very much of what I've devloped in the gym over the years has been specific to any number of show biz aspirations, which sometimes include an aerial apparatus. Since I'm completely unqualified I can't condone you to try any of these things, especially if an injury ocurs becuase I didn't descibe something thouroughly enough, god forbid. That being said, keep up if you can.

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